"Igniting prowess🔥"

"Sometimes in life, all it takes is that one opportunity to change everything,  that was the case for me when I was introduced to lapid leaders Africa by a friend who had gone through the program. She could not stop talking about how transformative the experience was and how it helped her gain clarity about her career goals and develop essential leadership skills. At this time I was stuck in my career and was unsure of what steps to take. This captured my attention and I had to see for myself what they had to offer. 

I took a leap of faith and joined the program, and the experience was imaginable, I got to connect with very knowledgeable mentors, they provided me with guidance and support and helped me discover my passion and identify my strengths and weaknesses. They also helped me to develop leadership skill which has been valuable in my personal and professional life. One thing I appreciate most in this program is the emphasis on community building, I was able to connect with like-minded people who were also on a journey to self-discovery and personal growth we were able to support each other and hold each other accountable which was very helpful in keeping me on track. We also had a lot of fun during camping and field trips those were the most exciting and memorable moments for me. 

Overall I can say lapid leaders Africa transformed my life and I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to discover their purpose, develop their leadership skills and connect with like-minded individuals. 

My greatest key takes out were 
1. starter finisher mindset 
2. Always be Authentic 
3. Have a thick skin 
With this I was able to come out of my comfort zone and step up, taking up new challenges and also building my brand as an individual"

Alvin Munene 
Real Estate student 
Mount Kenya University 

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